STACK IT Recruitment

Information Technology Recruitment is our Passion and Priority

Candidates Placed

We’re glad you decided to join us!

With over 20 years in the business, we are an experienced boutique recruitment firm that specializes in Information Technology recruitment. Our On-Demand and Contingency services will allow your business to secure the perfect candidate for any open position your company has, and we will be there along the way to help make sure it is an amazing and stress-free experience!

STACK IT Recruitment, based in Mississauga, places candidates throughout the Greater Toronto Area. We pride ourselves in being the number one recruitment company in information technology. Don’t take our word for it – our track record of placing highly qualified candidates speaks for itself!

We know you are busy running your business – from the day-to-day grind to developing long-term objectives for your firm’s continued success. Why waste your time and resources interviewing wrong applicants, because they looked right on paper, or in your case, on a screen? STACK IT Recruitment specializes in matching employers to potential hires who will love what they do, and share in your company’s unique vision. We are in the business of forging long-term partnerships and strategically aligning our candidates with roles they are a perfect fit for.

Gain an edge by hiring top talent. Let our experienced and highly technical team take the stress out of finding you the candidate you have been searching for. Contact us and let’s get started!

Our mission is to make your search simple.

Ask us about our amazing network of business intelligence candidates

We understand how important data is to your business. This is why we pride ourselves in having the best network of business intelligence candidates in the GTA!

Donating 5% to local charities on every placement

Philanthropy is important to our team, and by working with us you are directly helping people in need. Giving back feels good and we pledge to donate 5% of our placements fees to local charities!

Find Your Next Hire

  • Get access to top candidates for permanent or contract positions.
  • Quickly match to skilled IT professionals.
  • Our services are designed to assist you in finding the right talent for your organization.

Need Help Finding The Right Hire?

Call us to discuss your needs.

Looking to hire skilled talent? Let us help you find the right candidates to get the job done.

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